culture algorithmique


Being the King Kong of Algorithmic Culture is a Tough Job After All. Google’s Regimes of Justification and the Meanings of Glass

This content is not available in the selected language. This article explores the growing importance of algorithms in digital culture and what they could mean for the visibility and interpretation of culture as a whole. Taking Google as a prime example of a company that participates in widespread information overload whilst simultaneously providing some algorithmic […] Read more

Calendar Conferences

Conférence-débat en collaboration avec le CELAT : La culture algorithmique comme singulier pluriel

This content is not available in the selected language. Penser les algorithmes comme un multiple implique de prendre la mesure à la fois de ce qu’ils façonnent comme culture(S) et de ce qu’ils permettent comme nouveau paradigme et épistémologie en sciences sociales. Dans cette conférence, il s’agira surtout de réfléchir à la signification aujourd’hui de ce que […] Read more


Algorithmic Cultures. Essays on Meaning, Performance and New Technologies

This content is not available in the selected language. This book provides in-depth and wide-ranging analyses of the emergence, and subsequent ubiquity, of algorithms in diverse realms of social life. The plurality of Algorithmic Cultures emphasizes: 1) algorithms’ increasing importance in the formation of new epistemic and organizational paradigms; and 2) the multifaceted analyses of […] Read more