

Producing a Knowledge Commons : tensions between paid work and peer-production in a public institution

This content is not available in the selected language. This paper explores peer-production initiated and organised by a public institution. We propose a sort of borderline test case that may shed light on issues surrounding peer-production in a capitalist context. We explore tensions around work and production in the digitisation project of the Marie-Victorin Herbarium […] Read more


Fostering digital and scientific literacy : Learning through practice

This content is not available in the selected language. Despite the rapidly growing body of work on public participation in citizen science, what and how participants learn by participating has received limited attention. This article uses a digitization project underway at the Marie-Victorin Herbarium to explore the learning process of adult volunteers and show how […] Read more

Calendar Special Events

Discussion autour du livre La contribution en ligne : Pratiques participatives à l’ère du capitalisme informationnel

This content is not available in the selected language. Vendredi le 2 octobre 2015, des membres du LabCMO ont participé à une discussion, organisée par le CIRST, autour du livre La contribution en ligne : Pratiques participatives à l’ère du capitalisme informationnel. Read more