Comment les médias sociaux et les applications définissent le paysage socioculturel de Montréal pour les femmes queer

How Social Media and Apps are Shaping Montreal’s Sociocultural Landscape for Queer Women

This SSHRC-funded project explores how social media and apps are shaping queer women’s social connections, organizing and communities in Montreal. Its three objectives are to:

  • Identify the role of social media and apps in connecting queer women in order to provide greater information and resources to LGBTQ women’s organizations for facilitating social connections;
  • Critically analyze commercial social media and apps adopted by queer women to further scholarly knowledge about how a range of technologies shape opportunities for connection; and
  • Analyze the interplay between digital media technologies and physical social gatherings to further scholarly and practical knowledge of how such technologies overlay physical and digital spaces in a local context.

This will be achieved through traditional and digital research methods addressing two focal questions: A) How are digital media technologies influencing the ways queer women meet, form communities, and encounter LGBTQ organizations? B) How are LGBTQ women’s organizations, businesses, and community initiatives responding to shifts in digital media technologies and their impact on physical spaces? The project will begin by mapping, observing, and critically analyzing queer women’s physical and digital spaces, applying textual and visual analysis to the digital media intended to speak to Montreal’s queer women. Then interviews will be conducted with diverse queer women’s groups (e.g. non-profits, businesses, and grassroots communities) to understand how digital media technologies impact their organizing strategies.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 29 juin 2022 à 14 h 15 min.